From Above and Below
Peering out the window of an airplane for the first time, eyes and mouth open with wonder, six-year-old Emily took in our Earth’s big picture tapestry – waterways, roads, and buildings merging into dots, lines, and blurs. Without her knowing, an artistic seed was planted.
Today, Columbus-based artist Emily Cable McKenna continues to find awe and inspiration in unique perspectives of the planet we call home, culminating in her newest solo exhibition, From Above and Below.
Stirring, impactful, and sublime, From Above and Below was sparked by discarded satellite images that Emily serendipitously inherited fifteen years ago. She knew then they were treasures, but couldn’t yet make sense of their utility.
Several perspective-expanding adventures, degrees, and connections later (most notably with her three extraordinary children), the images have been put to use, inviting viewers to explore their own relationship with our planet: how it sustains us, how we sustain it, and how we may better strive for symbiosis through creativity.